As they travel through the strange and fantastical land of Wonderworld, the stars of the show, Emma and Leo, are tasked with utilising the unique abilities bestowed upon them by a plethora of colourful costumes. The mysterious maestro who guides them is known only as Balan.
In this place, people’s cherished possessions and the sights and sounds of the real world are mingled together. There are twelve distinct stories waiting to be told in the Wonderworld, each with its own peculiarities.
You must investigate every nook and cranny of these maze-like stages, which are full of traps and tricks, in order to get to the core of each story.
Firmware requirements: 5.05
🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA24813
BALAN WONDERWORLD Update v1.01 Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA24813 – EUR – PKG)