Fairy Tail 2

“FAIRY TAIL 2 pkg” is a new RPG based on the popular magical combat fantasy manga and anime series “FAIRY TAIL,” whose story is beloved by fans around the world, with the original manga selling more than 72 million copies worldwide. This sequel to the game “FAIRY TAIL,” released in July 2020, depicts the “Alvarez Empire Arc,” the climax of the original manga.


– Relive the culmination of the original series through gameplay!
This RPG depicts the dramatic developments of the “Alvarez Empire Arc,” the climax of the original story. Playing as the main characters Natsu and Lucy and other members of the Fairy Tail guild, you can relive the epic battles against their greatest enemy, Emperor Spriggan (Zeref) of the Alvarez Empire, along with his elite team, called the “Spriggan 12,” and the world destroyer, Black Dragon Acnologia.

– Flashy magic battles with unique characters!
The battle system has been completely redesigned from the previous game, resulting in real-time battles that are even more flashy and impactful. Use various strategic elements to your advantage and experience the thrill of exhilarating battles!

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– Seamlessly explore the final battlefield of the Kingdom of Fiore!
The world of “FAIRY TAIL” has been recreated with beautiful 3D graphics that allow you to feel immersed in the world of the original series as if you were exploring it yourself!

– An abundance of exclusive in-game content, including an original epilogue!
Explore a new original story, “Key to the Unknown,” set after the events of this arc and the original series. Plus, you can get to know new sides of your favorite characters in “Character Stories” and experience a variety of other elements that can only be seen in the game!

If you want to play some game like this game, you can play Atelier Ryza 2 Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy pkg.

Firmware requirements: 5.05, 9

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA49633 – EUR

Voice : Japanese
Subtitles : English, French, Japanese
DLC Content
– Digital Deluxe Upgrade Pack
– Lucy Outfit Miss FAIRY TAIL Contest
– Season Pass
Fairy Tail 2 v1 (CUSA49633 – EUR – PKG)
Update 1.03 (Fix 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) (CUSA49633 – EUR – PKG)
DLC (CUSA49633 – EUR – PKG)