Take on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unreal world of Trials Fusion.
Source link: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/trials-fusion-ps4/
Take on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unreal world of Trials Fusion. Using your skills to traverse across obstacle-laden, ramp-ridden courses, you must strive to set track records against the best Trials players around the globe.
Whether you’re racing alone, with friends, or in a global tournament, competition is always around you. And racing on official courses is just the beginning. A rich world of custom courses—built by some of the most creative and skilled content creators in gaming—awaits those who are continually searching for a new, insane track to conquer. And with long-term support of fresh features and content, the Trials experience will continue to expand and challenge players in new and exhilarating ways.
Firmware requirements: ??? or 4.55 or 5.05 higher
🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 Trials Fusion v1.16 + All DLC (PKG – EUR)