Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York

Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York pkg is a stand-alone expansion and a companion piece to VtM: Coteries of New York. While Coteries was a general introduction to the world depicted in the 5th Edition of the hit tabletop role-playing game, Shadows presents a more personal and unique tale.

The game excels in its atmospheric storytelling. Shadows of New York captures the essence of White Wolf’s tabletop RPG, immersing players in the gritty and morally gray world of vampire society. The dialogue is sharp and witty, and the voice acting is generally strong, further enhancing the narrative.

The branching narrative system, a hallmark of visual novels, provides ample opportunities for player choice. Your decisions impact Beckett’s relationships with other vampires, factions, and the city itself. These choices can have significant consequences, affecting the story’s progression and even determining Beckett’s ultimate fate.

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Your old life is dead and buried. You have no afterlife to look forward to, and your vampiric unlife is about to fall apart unless you solve an unsolvable crime. Welcome to New York City… and welcome to the Lasombra clan, where failure is not an option.

If you want to play more racing game, you can play PaRappa the Rapper Remastered pkg.

Firmware requirements: 5.05, 7.50 or higher

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA20322:

Languages : EN, JA
Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York v1 JP FW 7.50 (CUSA20322 – JP – PKG)
v1 JP Patch Fix FW 5.05 or higher (CUSA20322 – JP – PKG)

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA23457 – USA:

Screen Languages : English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian
Vampire The Masquerade Shadows of New York v1 FW 7.50 (CUSA23457 – USA – PKG)
v1.01 (CUSA23457 – USA – PKG)

🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 – CUSA23458 – EUR:

Screen Languages : English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian
v1 FW 7.50 (CUSA23458 – EUR – PKG)
Update v1.01 (CUSA23458 – EUR – PKG)
Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02) (CUSA23458 – EUR – PKG)